Coming October 2024!

Almost 10 years ago, I started a website called, You Are More. It was my passion to give people the opportunity to talk about their struggles and share their stories. My mission at the time was to inspire others to see beyond their obstacles. In April of 2020, my whole world came crashing down when I suddenly lost my husband and became a widow at the age of 26. In complete shock, in the midst of a pandemic, and deep in my grief, I made the decision to shut it down. 4.5 years later, I am bringing it back. Louder, stronger, and better. Because if I have learned anything been thrown into the public eye, and through my grief journey, it is that you are more than the labels society and people may give you. I am more than a young widow. I am more than a wife. I am more than my trauma. I am Emily. 

I was given this platform for the worst possible reason but I feel fortunate that it has created such an amazing community. I want to share it with others and give them the space to be open about their life journeys too. Whether that is of loss, trauma, illness, or hope, joy, and triumphs, I believe we all thrive when we feel seen. I believe that healing out loud helps others to not suffer in silence. So join me, and some very special guests, every second Tuesday, as we help breakdown the labels and talk vulnerably about the curve balls that life has thrown at us. Because We Are More, and You Are More too!